Remember about me mentioning about the Sin City shoot back in September? It was around the same time I was doing my second shoot with Tim Rosier up in Northampton. A group of models, along with photographer Victor Kurzweil, were quite mesmorised by the scenes, outfits and atmosphere of the film Sin City and decided to do a shoot based on it. It was an honour that I was invited by one of the models, Karenza, Tim's partner.
So about 6 of us models were able to decide on a weekday date without any struggle. It was Becky, Karenza, Clover, Vikki, Rob and me who were to participate in this exciting event all set for Thursday 16 September 2010. Becky and her partner picked me up at Wellingborough station near Northampton and gave me a lift to the studio. And Karenza turned up with her very hot Harley Davidson motorbike! Victor, an expert at themed shoots and famous for graphically producing elaborate images using impressive backgrounds, was the perfect choice as our photographer. Whilst he meticulously adjusted the lighting, the 5 female models managed to fit in the small changing room praising each other for our outfits. I seem to remember Karenza's cool black PVC catsuit! Prior to the shoot, we were told we'd have two outfit changes which was good as it prevented us from lugging too stuff unnecessarily.

In the first set, Victor shot us as a group using the Harley bike as a prop. Then we each took turns and got shot individually which was a brilliant idea as we could add both the group and solo images in our portfolio. For the first outfit, I wore fishnet top and tights and topped

it with a black leather underbust corset. Then the thigh high boots. I later realised when the pics turned out, though, the fishnet top didn't sufficiently cover my boobs which meant that the pics would be over-18 or put it not "Facebook-friendly". I regret this may have been unfair to others but nobody has complained, well at least to my knowledge. The second outfit change was the bra & knicker set by Dutch lingerie designer Marlies Dekker which was perfect for this shoot! Along it I had a black leather suspender with fishnet holdups and black stilletos. This time, definitely ok for under-18s!
Poor Rob, the sole male model for this shoot, was the victim or the villain we, the women, were punishing. Nevertheless, he was such a good sport throughout the shoot and after all the swords and guns being pointed at him, was still so cool and collected. My kudos to him! And of course my kudos to the girls too as we were all able to work together as a team and complimented each other so well. We girls really stuck together! I thoroughly enjoyed working with everyone. It was also nice to see Becky, who was rather new to modellin

g, open up a little and gain more confidence. It pays to work with people who help each other.
On the technical side of things, as you can see, the backgrounds vary quite a lot and are very impressive. The shoot actually took place in a studio with black background of rolled paper! Through a lot of research and imagination, it was Victor who cleverly compiled his work with great attention to what sort of backgrounds suited what image. Looking back, it was quite ignorant and impatient of me when I insisted I was happy with getting the images in plain background and weren't too bothered with the elaborate settings. Now I realise how Victor takes pride in his work by taking his time and producing images that have meaning. The final images finally arrived in January... and it was most certainly worth the wait.
Unfortunately it's always bad timing when it comes to announcing. With the busy January month for tax returns and family issues to sort, I finally got around to uploading the work only these past few days. By documenting this shoot, though, I hope to rescue the fading memories of this fun day we all had! Thank you everyone for this exciting experience.
More pictures of this event can be seen on my flickr page.
I would have liked to have finished them much earlier, I'm still editing images from last year including a couple of shoots from before this one. The only way I've managed to almost catch up was to stop shooting. I think its fair to say that I did too much last year, but I'm addicted to shooting. Trying to do things differently this year xx