I first came across China's work in his books in fact when I was staying at Clover and Dave's house in November. All I can remember is the exotic name and all the beautiful work associated with him. Some were fetish involving bondage but without the shock factor. Others were erotic nudes which though explicit were very tastefully done. Clover commented that I should try and work with him but as he seemed way out of my league I dismissed it as something I can only dream of...
As such, I casually told China on FB that I would like to collaborate with him, expecting that he'd be "too busy" and promised myself not to be gutted. It was to my surprise he invited me to shoot at his place the next time I was in England. I was due to be there for just over a week so we set a date for 16 February 2011. I was still pinching myself to see if it was all a dream...

After a 3 hour train ride to Lowestoft from London via Norwich, China picked me up at the station. I was rather nervous to be honest but when he approached me, I was pleasantly relieved to notice what a friendly, kind-hearted and genuine gentleman he was. He drove us to his huge beautiful house and immediately made me feel at home, feeding me good food (not Jaffa cakes... sorry but they're horrible!) and making sure I was comfortable. We had a long chat about art, erotica and photography in his room which had all wonderful work displayed on the wall. I looked through his collection of books from other photographers as well and got very taken by it all.
We worked a little bit that evening. I won't say "shoot" because China dislikes that term! The first moments were rather awkward as I was quite ill at ease not because I was all in nude but as I was still star-struck knowing one of the world's best photographers was behind the camera! After warming up a little, we decided that I would lie down on his beautiful rug on the floor. I did a number of rather implied "naughty" poses though nothing too explicit. After nailing an image or two, we went to his office and downloaded the pictures to choose which ones we liked. I sat and watched China editing the images which for me was another plus to this day as I'm in the process of learning Photoshop!
We called it a night and resumed the next day. Up and early the next morning. I had such a comfortable rest! After a healthy breakfast of berries with goat's yoghurt and farm-produced jam on rye, I got ready with the make-up, hair and lingerie consisting only of black stockings and suspenders. Nothing more. As I was admiring this antique restraining chair he had in his room the night before, China suggested that I pose in it getting strapped with two leather belts and my feet bound. Then later on, I had my hands tied back.

We also worked on a few poses in his room with me keeping my suspenders and stockings on but wearing my red satin gloves. Just some beautiful but sensual images. Then a few with me naked. China was very careful with the lighting and knew exactly what he wanted out of the images. In fact, he was such a great director giving me advice and having me pose in the most effective way. Accustomed to and being a glamour model as well, I occasionally got scolded for standing with my hips on one side and trying hard to look unnaturally curvaceous. Erotic photography is about showing the beauty of female form in a natural and tasteful way rather than being loud and in your face. Being a model of different facets, it's at times hard to switch on and off!
Normally I shy away from baring all nude and going just a small step further in terms of level but China was different. He is an experienced and professional photographer who knows and truly appreciates the meaning of erotic art. I enjoyed working with him not only because he is renowned but because he was such a great company to chat with. Very witty, intelligent and worldly. We had so much fun discussing and learning from each other about history, culture and the environment. Besides, he's also very polite and down-to-earth and though I was intimidated at the beginning he made me feel relaxed. I hope to work with him again in the near future... thank you so much, China, for this wonderful opportunity!
Name-droppingly beautiful...are you still working?