Finally getting back to the hang of shooting again! I had 3-days in a row of posing in front of the cameras last weekend: Friday in Germany then back in Amsterdam shooting with a visiting tog from Belgium and finally Sunday in Amsterdam with a local tog. Then this Wednesday, am off to the UK to shoot more next weekend! Wow, am really starting to feel like an international model...
Today's entry will be about my shoot on Saturday. A tog called Kris, known as NDHW Photography from Gent, Belgium contacted me on Fetlife and asked if I'd like to shoot. A lot of his work is dark-toned and subdued, quite moody. And this time, it's rather focussing on composition and story rather than being just about the model which is quite different from what I am accustomed to. Sort of like comparing the paintings of Van Gogh (mellow) with Monet (vibrant). So I thought I'd give it a go. It's always nice to work with photographers of different styles! Kris volunteered to visit Amsterdam on 8 May 2011, hoping to work with another model afterwards which unfortunately fell through.
Kris arrived our house around 9:30am. A very pleasant and laid back guy with hair even longer than mine tied in a ponytail, a true artist with creative ideas. After some coffee and choosing outfits, we ventured off to Westerpark, a park which is about a 15 minute or so walk and much quieter and a more varied venue than the infamous Vondel Park.

We had a warm up shoot with me in the green dress I already wearing. I think that was a good idea, rather than jumping straight into a shoot. By then I was comfortable with Kris. He is also very intelligent and quite worldly not to include the fact that his girlfriend is also Asian (a graduate in Gent University from China) which really made conversation stimulating! We strolled around the park and found a building with a fence which made interesting patterns. I quickly changed into a plain black American Apparel black bikini top and hotpants and a small red collar for a fetish twist.
Then was the switch from a domme look to a sub. Previous to our shoot, we discussed the possibility of me crouching helplessly in the bushes in ripped clothes clutching a teddy bear like a lost child. The only problem was, I had no teddy bear but being an avid Hello Kitty collector, I hastily grabbed one of her dressed as a snowman which I thought we could use. The whiteness of Hello Kitty, though, proved too bright on the images and totally distracted everything else from the whole picture so we had to abandon that idea and resort to having me looking lost initially followed by frustration and going mad. And hence the ripped yellow shirt!

We left the park to fetch a bottle of water and proceeded to try out some alleyways underneath the railway bridge. Despite a few passerby's on bikes, we were quite comfortable to shoot there though a little dubious about me going nude. Yes, even I was! I quickly changed into a red PVC bikini top with matching miniskirt with zippers on the side (from Unzippped). Whilst shooting, a couple of guys on a motorcycle stopped by and watched but they were so funny it didn't bother us a least bit. A classic shot was when Kris captured one of me posing with a passing cyclist (see first picture above). In hindsight, it would've been so cool if I had been nude but oh well! Too many passer by's anyway, and it is my neighbourhood in case I'd bump into someone I know...
We searched for the next place to shoot and came across the car-park. Also underneath the railway bridge, the lighting was just as dark. I changed into my pink lingerie set and covered

myself up with a white trench coat. And there I went flashing away. I know, why we didn't think of me doing that in nude makes me wonder... perhaps too many passerbys or I was holding back cuz it was near my house? Nevertheless, we managed to nail some outrageous shots with the naughty element. Perhaps next time I do daring nude shots outdoors we be in another area of Amsterdam? Maybe in the snotty Zuid area which would most certainly uplift those uptight residents!
We then walked home, hoping to capture a few shots in our garden. However, when we got there, the sun was a tad too bright. Although we managed to take a few images there, we had to cut it short and proceed indoors. We did a few images on the bed and intended to make it a fetish scene but unfortunately due to misunderstandings neither of us had any "equip
ment" such as handcuffs and whips which I had left in the UK. Ropes and gags are normally supplied by the photographer. Perhaps in future, it may be wise for me to invest in some as I will increasingly be doing fetish/bondage shoots. Nevertheless, we were able to capture some wonderful nude images combining fetish and erotica, using the bedside lamps as additional lighting! Now that's what I call improvising...

It was about 4pm by the time we decided to call it a day. The day went by so fast! As the model with whom Kris was to shoot that afternoon was a no-show, we were able to extend our schedule. Though the no-show is unfortunate, it goes without saying that it's her loss, our gain! Kris was so fun to work with, and I was very pleased about such a quick turn-around of the pics he edited. He has indicated he would also post me the non-edited ones from which I could choose any other ones I like. Not only is he quick, but he's also generous and fair. I wish other togs would be like him!
We plan on shooting again this summer in the woods. Next time it will be my turn to visit Gent which I've never been. It will be a change, from city to countryside! Also, I will be shooting with another model which should be fun. I very much look forward to that. So thank you so much Kris, I can't wait for this, and look forward to getting the rest of the images!
For more images please check out my Flickr Page!
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