I had quite a lot of responses to my casting all but as I could only pick a couple of them, I had to be very selective. One of such photographer was Jeff Mood who is based near Brighton. After days of correspondence and being very impressed with his work, we decided to shoot in Preston Park on 8 July 2o10. The park is on the way to Brighton, just outside it in fact, and is rather huge with lots of beautiful folliage and scenery from where to shoot. Jeff was also keen on adding some outdoors shoots, swimwear and lingerie in particular, in his portfolio. Though I was initially casting for swimwear, lingerie was ideal for me too as I usually do that indoors so an outdoors one would be something different.
I drove towards the park and Jeff met me where I parked my car on the street. With a backpack on my back, I followed him to find areas where to shoot. We found a leafy area near the bushes and did our first set where I was wearing a violet and pink bikini. Jeff was happy to let me pose how I saw fit which he was happy about, but at the same time gave me some directions as suggestions. Then we went to an open area with trees, and there I changed into a bright pink lingerie set with a denim vest on to add some cuteness. We decided to stay in the same area as the light was good as I changed into my light blue and white bikini where I posed sitting on a log.
Then we moved to a wooden bridge, hoping that nobody would pass by. I changed into a neon orangey-pink bikini from Unzipped and snapped a few though it was getting a tad too bright because of the strong sun as noon was approaching. As Jeff liked the pink lingerie I had worn earlier, I got into that, and the light was improving. Then came some teenage schoolboys who were very boisterous and sat by to watch. One of them shouted if he could have a photo taken with me but we had to decline as he was under-age. I must say I was sadly flattered, though, considering nobody gave me the time of the day when I was their age!
We then broke up for lunch at a nearby cafe for some sandwiches, discussing what we had done so far. When Jeff showed me what he had shot so far through his camera view finder, I was very happy with them, and I am very difficult to impress especially when it comes to me wearing something as skimpy! The sun was still strong-ish so we thought we'd wait a while and proceed to shooting at the park shed.
Earlier on, the shed area was infested with volunteer gardeners but as they were all gone for lunch, we thought we'd sneak in a few. The shed was quite a pretty building with a beautiful door. I changed into a zebra-print bikini which would go very well with the house. After a few images there, we moved onto the pond with stepping stones and tall green grasses, again which went very well with the swimwear. Some of the better pictures were taken there as it was not getting too bright.
Our final set was at a very picturesque garden, just a walk away from the main park. Well shaded with the trellis, we found this to be ideal. Unfortunately there were quite a few people strolling here and there but after waiting patiently, we finally got some peace. By then, I was clad in a vibrant tangerine bra and panty set with a knitted white cardy to disguise the lingerie in case someone walked by. We shot a few images there, and when we felt it was safe, we took a few images in front of a big gate that led into a school. Then we called it a day...
I thoroughly enjoyed my session with Jeff. Very outgoing, polite and creative, he was able to churn out quite a number of awesome images. The only issue was with the weather as it was a very bright day, and we feared that would affect the images. Had it not been for Jeff's expertise about planning carefully the location and positions, the images would not have turned out well. I would definitely work with him again, and we plan to do so in the near future. Thank you Jeff!
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