Ho hum... My UK tour has officially been postponed till further notice due to Health & Safety concerns with this very adverse weather condition the country has been facing the last few days. Cars skidding all over the place, trains in havoc, business stops, life on hold and people on the verge of going amok as being housebound with nowhere to go and nobody to visit! Wow, even the rubbish hasn't been collected as our wheelie bins sit there overflowing on our snow-covered driveways. Sound familiar?
By the same token, I've been on Facebook and these modelling websites lolzing at all the models and togs desperate to jump the bandwagon to get shoots outside in the snow. Some want to brave swimwear and skimpies, while others dare to be bare. WHAT COPYCATS, ha ha!!! Well, guys, been there done that already! Waaaay before Christmas, way before you lot decided it was a bright idea and remember, you thought I was crazy back then! On the other hand, I do feel a tad envious of those who were able to get the opportunity this weekend cuz it would've been so cool to get more shoots done. Maybe this time get more sexy bikini ones without the Santa hat... or even lingerie... imagine suspenders & stockings!!!
So here I am still at home, bored to tears as anyone would be. Can't go anywhere and no one to visit little me. Shopping sprees are out although on-line companies ought to be making a killing by now. I've been surviving on instant soba noodles and tins of cassoulet and pate we stocked up on our last trip to France.... I walk to the local SPAR (eek!) to buy my F&V to satisfy my 5-a-day....but luckily....
I'm within walking distance to our local gym which by the way has miraculously been open despite the weather! Well at least not everything in England has come to a standstill!!! Without this Godsend, I'd be going even more insane than I already am, putting on a dress size or two cuz I'm sitting on my ass all day... and we so cant have that, I'm a model for God's sake!!! Determined not to turn out a fat overweight psycho, I have been treading in the snow for 15 minutes each way to the gym, doing my weights, followed by 30-4o minutes cardio of running or cross-training and finishing it off with abs. Woo! And after a brisk walk home, into the shower and getting all warm and toasty....
So! I decided to dig out some oldies but goodies...of some past pictures of little fit gym bunny me taken in our home garage last year. About the same time last year, Lester Coates came voer and shot me doing some weights and sitting on a fitball in the nude. Then later on in the year, summertime, Paul Langridge came over and took some stuff of me wearing NOTHING but my boxing gloves! Thought I'd like to share them with you... I think they're awesome pictures, so happy and as you can see I had so much fun!!! IT'S FUN TO BE FIT TOO!!!
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