The action-packed weekend of 13-15 November was my East Midland Fetish Tour II, the second trip up to Nottingham & Derby to work with various photographers and models in the fetish scene. The tour stared with my second shibari shoot with NikoFoto along with her partner, Dave, as rigger, then the following day participating in the Fetish Group Shoot organised by Jonny Blaze at the Blue Carrot Studio in Hucknall and on the final day working with Paul otherwise known as Suffering4art. Today's blog will focus on the Fetish Group Shoot...

John Mountney, the tog with whom I worked the Monday before (see blog below), picked me up about half-12 from Niko and Dave's who kindly put me up for the night after the previous day's shoot. The shoot was originally to be 10am to 5pm but due to some misunderstandings with the booking of the studio, the times got changed to 1pm to 8pm which gave us more a reason for a lie in! When we arrived at the studio, there were already people there most of whom I had never met before but everyone was so friendly already. I finally got to meet the organiser of the event, a tog called Jonny Blaze whom I was also dying to work with!
There were also a few I had communicated with earlier on FB and of course there were models Gary and Shelley (a.k.a. Darkcell and Whitecell) a cool couple from Birmingham for whom I did the make-up over a year ago! I quickly made friends with the other models as well all of whom were experienced but helpful as I'm relatively new to the scene.
I was quite flattered to find one of the togs come up to me and grab me before everyone

else did! That was Dean Wilkinson. He brought with him his brother, Hamish ("Mish") and a friend called Bob both of whom Dean is mentoring. After a brief discussion about outfits, I got changed into a black PVC basque with black fishnet stockings. It was freezing as hell butwell worth it! A lot of fuss was also made about the positions of the lights and where to pose but I didn't mind at all because we were all striving for striking images. With Dean as "leader", the three of them took turns shooting... well I hope I created a good impression as a model! The first pic above was taken by Dean..

For the next set, I changed into a red PVC underbust corset (one I bought at the Brussels fet con) with matching collar and fishnet tights. I shot with Jonny Blaze briefly, again up in the attic but among where all the BDSM furnitures were. Teaming up with Gary "Darkcell", I was initially to be domme with whip in my hand, then the roles would be reversed and I would be the one ended up being spanked on all fours by him! A veteran in fetish photography, Jonny had lots of cool ideas on how to make the images look more effective and dramatic. And kudos to Gary who must've been boiling and dying for fresh air as he had his latex head mask on even for a previous set he did with another model! It was a pity the session with Jonny was so short but it's hardly surprising as he's in great demand. We're anticipating having a one-to-one shoot in the near future, and soon I hope!
I quickly changed into a pair of metallic blue hot pants and though topless, donned a collar with small chains dangling down, both items from my favorite brand, Unzipped, from

Amsterdam. Pairing this up with a pair of thigh high boots, I was ready to rock! This time, it was Bob and Mish who took turns shooting both with me solo and with me paired up with Shelley "Whitecell" The setting? A pair of hairdryer hoods!! You know the kinds you see with little old ladies nattering in at hairdressers? Wow now that's an original one, who would've thought of that! And in fetish gear too... hmmm. Oh and dont mind the yellow dot on my chest... that was intended for Facebook!
After this interesting set, I shot with Dean again. We were both intending to shoot something in vintage but the closest I could get to something resembling "retro" was a cute black La Senza lingerie-dress with pink ribbons and suspenders. I wore a pair of pink fishnet stockings to add some cuteness to it and posed whilst standing on a huge tyre. As I write this, I am still waiting for the edited images to arrive...

Then I finally got to work with the tog I came to the shoot with in the end!!! Yes, that's right, John Mountney... We have been planning to collaborate together for the group shoot in the first place even before Monday's shoot was considered. The deal was that I would wear the ballet boots with a white lacey dress and if we had the time, we would do a shoot with me wearing a gas mask which I've never done before. The setting was to be in front of some machinery. Having shot with those boots before, I knew what to expect but as it was later on in the day and I've been strutting around in boots and heels for hours they were more painful than I thought! Nevertheless, I still persevered... and came up with a couple of impressive images.
Unfortunately we didn't have the chance to use the gasmask because we thought we'd do a quick shoot of me in a cage. Though Jonny decided to end the session an hour earlier than scheduled, I speedily changed into a pair of white PVC hot pants, red collar and red ankle boots with padlocks on the side and entered the cage. I had so much fun crawling on all fours and looking like a wild but distressed animal trying to escape! Of course I wouldn't want this to really happen to animals...
It was a shame the group shoot ended an hour earlier than scheduled but some participants had family commitments which couldn't be helped. Still we all had a great time and I got to meet a lot of wonderful people that day. So far I'm pleased with the images and look forward to getting more. They certainly added much more value to my portfolio especially as they were well taken, well thought out and well varied. Thanks so much guys, and thanks Jonny for organising this. I look forward to doing more such shoots so please invite me again!!!