Funnily enough, I've been actually been getting quality work from quality photographers through Facebook and Flickr lately as compared to these dedicated sites like Purestorm or Net-Model which tend to be swarmed with GWCs (guys with cameras). Of course if it's paid work, who cares if it's a professional tog or a GWC haha...
One of such quality photographers who contacted me through FB was Jamie Smith, known as Red Brickwall. The name as such because his previous studio had a red brickwall! I was chuffed he wanted to work with me as I've seen his stuff featuring the most beautiful and perfect glamour models. His images are further top-notch and well-presented. To add, he was very friendly and reflected a genuine personality throughout our correspondence further enhanced when chatting to him over the phone. A very jolly and positive character. I was very much looking forward to it all!
We set up the shoot in our humble home on 20 April 2010. The main purpose was for him to shoot me in various sexy uniforms which he would post on his various websites. Sounds like fun and trust me it was! Jamie turned out with bags of interesting costumes and for the first set, I was to be an SS officer clad in a mini-skirt, a hat and a jacket elaborately adorned with all the medals and ornaments not to forget the swatzika armband! I was rather amused about that, knowing that I'm clearly not of the Aryan race... but then again Germany and Japan were once allies of course!
After spending 10-15 minutes looking mean and stern, my next role was to be a humble French maid. I was to be dusting our fireplace looking cute and sexy in my backless apron. Then a quick change to being the sweet virginal bride in white including the veil. We shot outside in the garden as the weather was gorgeous, right in front of our cherry tree. Another outfit change and now I was to be a copper! Dressed smartly in a sexy policeman's outfit, I posed in front of Jamie's BMW back to looking mean and stern. This was followed by donning myself in a racy red pit-girl outfit, again in front of the car but this time pouting seductively or smiling sultry.
Back inside, Jamie passed me two sets of tight skimpy minidresses. We had so much fun going through my infamous dressing room and choosing the shoes to go with each outfit! I opted for Steve Madden's zebra print heels, a perfect match for the zebra-patterned dress. I was to be on the bed, rolling and romping around seductively while he snapped away... gradually stripping down till I was nude. Yup, that was a no-brainer cuz I'm so accustomed to it but enjoy it loads!
Finally the piece de resistance! Jamie is currently promoting his website called officialbabe.co.uk which is still under construction, featuring hot sexy glamour models. The promotional shoot involved me posing in various crop-top and miniskirt combinations with slogans loudly blaring phrases like "Dont be Jealous". I was most honoured to be among the models! I wasn't even expecting this and had so much fun going in and out of the many outfit changes which he shot in our garage.
Jamie was quick to post up some of the images on FB the next day. Although my favourite uniform out of the lot was the SS officer we unfortunately felt compelled to delete it from FB as it may be a tad controversial. That said, I was very pleased with the images and smiled as he put up a collage of my many poses wearing the Dont be Jealous outfit in a banner-style image. Currently, he is away on business but promised to put up more when he returns. Can't wait! And hope to work with you again soon, Jamie... you're so awesome, thanks a ton!!!
Jamie's work can also be seen on http://www.redbrickwallproductions.co.uk